Life's a Garden

When we bought our place, the garage was leaking from everywhere. The first line of business was a new roof, which we put on in September of 2014. We recently finished installing drain tile and re-grading around the foundation which wrapped up all of our leakage issues! Here are photos from the project:

Always have to start these off with a before pic! Here is the garage on day one. There were rotten railroad ties stacked next to the foundation and the grade was directing water right into the unsealed blocks of the garage.

Digging around the foundation

While we had an excavator at our house, we also dug lines from the house to the garage for two water hydrants (one at front of garage and one at back for chicken coop)

All opened up!

We tarred and parged the foundation to seal it up.

Hydrants installed. While we were at it, we put a water line to the inside of the garage for a sink (YAY!)

Drain tile added, and dirt pushed back in place. Re-graded to prevent further leakage.

Opposite side of garage. While this side wasn't leaking, we were proactive and installed a swale to prevent future issues.

All done! It always feels good to check another thing off the list :)

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