Hacking Away

We were able to get some demo work done on the house this past weekend and I have a few pics to share! It felt great to be back at the house making progress again. We haven't been out there as much as we would like to be because our daily lives have been consuming all of our time lately. I was starting to forget what the house even looked like, so I was really itching to get back out there! Anyways, here are some updated photos!

View from bottom of stairs looking up.

Upstairs. It looks way more complicated than it really is - once we take out the 2x4 framing it will just be a big open room like downstairs. They had quite the arrangement of rooms in this small house!

Another upstairs view. Metal pipe is a stove vent that will be torn out. To the left is a log wall, if you look closely you can see that some of the chinking has chipped out and you can see the wood chunks they used to fill space between the logs before chinking them 100+ years ago.

View of the upstairs ceiling torn out with beams exposed.

We have the whole house down to logs now, so all that is left of the demo is taking out the 2x4 wall framing and then ripping out the damaged plaster in the non-log section of the house. We're getting there...   :-)

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