Taming the jungle...

When we first bought the house, "jungle" was a good word to describe the property. It had upwards of 50 trees competing for space on the half acre lot. The first thing we did was start cutting back the forest and opening up the lot.


This is a Google Maps view of the house in "full bloom" in 2013. You can barely see in the driveway!

The shop was being overtaken with vines.

This pine tree took up too much valuable space in the driveway.

Back view of the shop. The trees had actually grown into the roof.

The house peeking through the overgrown trees.

Jeremy trimming branches.

Jeremy and Bryan chipping limbs.

Wow! What a difference!

Now we can really see what were working with.

Back view of shop.

Looking less like a jungle and more like a yard!

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